Sunday, January 07, 2007

Fish Out of Water

Dear Sisters,

I am a 36 year-old female. I am divorced and have a ten-year old son. I have been divorced for three years and this last year I really stepped out and began dating again. It was a rough and rocky road. The men I met were just awful. One was fifteen years older and a playboy. One was my age but he was more interested in gambling than me. He seemed like such a nice man—and he was nice, but he loved the track. It consumed his free time and I believe much of his money as well. And, what happened to moving slowly? These guys really expected to get to first base on the first or second date. I married when I was 19 years old. Have things really changed so significantly over the years? I feel like a like a fish out of water.

Jena: I understand totally. My only advice is to be careful. It sounds as if you went out with these men without doing at least a little homework. By homework I mean long, long conversations on the phone regarding their interests, and their life in general. Its amazing what one can glean from a few conversations.

Michele: And lets not forget background checks. The Internet is a wonderful, wonderful tool.

Elana: And lets not forget its just a date. Guys have been trying to get to first base on the first date as far back as I can remember. Just concentrate on a free night on the town and soon or later a nice guy will show up. But I would definitely stop looking under rocks to find them.

1 comment:

nanio said...

First base on a second date!!? Those rapscallions!!