Sunday, February 25, 2007

Evil Sister

Dear Sisters,

I am a 50 year-old woman, although I probably look no older than 35 years-old. I am a really attractive woman and have always been so. Men have always found me attractive and to be honest I have loved all of the attention I have received over the years. I have one sister who loves to remind me that I am getting older and that my beauty is beginning to fade. I know and accept that little fact of life but I hate that my sister feels the need to tease me about it. What should I do to deter her comments?

Jena: Just keep on looking good. Looking older does not mean you have to look any less wonderful.

Michele: Ignore her, just like I imagine you have been doing for years.

Elana: Tell her how you feel. If she continues to tease you, then she's your sister and I don't rightly think there's much more to be done. Its certainly not worth shutting her out of your life.

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