Sunday, February 25, 2007

First Ladies on the Catwalk

Dear Sisters,

Why does everyone try to say Laura Bush is so much more attractive than Hillary Clinton?

Jena: Beats me; neither is a beauty queen. But then, that is not their line of business, now is it? One more thing--who is everyone?

Michele: I think that people just have to find something to talk about. Those that prefer not to talk politics talk fashion.

Elana: I think they both look fine. I do not talk politics, so I must be one of those folks who talks fashion. They both look better than Angelina Jolie. Everybody's entitled to their own opinion. Right? As insipid as it might be.

Evil Sister

Dear Sisters,

I am a 50 year-old woman, although I probably look no older than 35 years-old. I am a really attractive woman and have always been so. Men have always found me attractive and to be honest I have loved all of the attention I have received over the years. I have one sister who loves to remind me that I am getting older and that my beauty is beginning to fade. I know and accept that little fact of life but I hate that my sister feels the need to tease me about it. What should I do to deter her comments?

Jena: Just keep on looking good. Looking older does not mean you have to look any less wonderful.

Michele: Ignore her, just like I imagine you have been doing for years.

Elana: Tell her how you feel. If she continues to tease you, then she's your sister and I don't rightly think there's much more to be done. Its certainly not worth shutting her out of your life.